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If you don't have access to the full-text of the publications listed below, please contact Surendra by email (sba[at]

  1. D. Chen, S.B. Anantharaman, J. Wu, D.Y. Qiu, D. Jariwala, P. Guo. Optical spectroscopic detection of Schottky barrier height at a two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide/metal interface. Nanoscale 16, 5169-5176 (2024) Link

  2. J. Hou, W. Li, H. Zhang, S. Sidhik, J. Fletcher, I. Metcalf, S.B. Anantharaman, X. Shuai, A. Mishra, J.-C. Blancon, C. Katan, D. Jariwala, J. Even, M.G. Kanatzidis, A.D. Mohite. Synthesis of 2D perovskite crystals via progressive transformation of quantum well thickness. Nature Synthesis, 3, 265-275 (2024) Link

  3. S.B. Anantharaman*, J. Lynch, C.E. Stevens, C. Munley, C. Li, J. Hou, H. Zhang, A. Torma, T. Darlington, F. Coen, K. Li, A. Majumdar, P.J. Schuck, A. Mohite, H. Harutyunyan, J.R. Hendrickson, D. Jariwala*. Dynamics of self-hybridized exciton–polaritons in 2D halide perovskites. Light: Science & Applications (2024) Link (* - co-corresponding authors)

  4. S.B. Anantharaman*, J. Lynch, M. Aleksich, C.E. Stevens, C. Munley, B. Choi, S. Shenoy, T. Darlington, A. Majumdar, P. J. Shuck, J. Hendrickson, J. N. Hohman, D. Jariwala*. Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling in 2D Metal-Chalcogenates. arxiv preprint (2023) Link (* - co-corresponding authors)

  5. P. Kumar, J. Chen, A.C. Meng, W-C. D. Yang, S.B. Anantharaman, J.P. Horwath, J.C. Idrobo, H. Mishra, Y. Liu, A.V. Davydov, E.A. Stach, D. Jariwala. Observation of Sub-10 nm Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanocrystals in Rapidly Heated van der Waals Heterostructures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (51), 59693-59703 (2023) Link

  6. S. Singh, W. Gong, C.E. Stevens, J. Hou, A. Singh, H. Zhang, S.B. Anantharaman, A.D. Mohite, J.R. Hendrickson, Q.Yan, D. Jariwala. Valley-Polarized Interlayer Excitons in 2D Chalcogenide–Halide Perovskite–van der Waals Heterostructures. ACS Nano (2023), 17, 8, 7487–7497 Link

  7. W-H. Hu, C. Vael, M. Diethelm, K. Strassel, S.B. Anantharaman, A. Aribia, M. Cremona, S. Jenatsch, F. Nüesch, R. Hany. On the Response Speed of Narrowband Organic Optical Upconversion Devices. Advanced Optical Materials (2022) 10 (17), 2200695 Link

  8. X. Liu, J. Ting, Y. He, M.M.A. Fiagbenu, J. Zheng, D. Wang, J. J. Frost, P. Musavigharavi, S.B. Anantharaman, E. A. Stach, R. H. Olsson III, D. Jariwala. Reconfigurable Compute-In-Memory on Field-Programmable Ferroelectric Diodes. Nano Letters (2022) 22 (18), 7690–7698 Link

  9. A. Alfieri, S.B. Anantharaman, H. Zhang, D. Jariwala. Nanomaterials for Quantum Information Science and Engineering. Advanced Materials (2022) 2109621 Link

  10. P. Kumar, J. Lynch, B. Song, H. Ling, F. Barrera, K. Kisslinger, H. Zhang, S.B. Anantharaman, J. Digani, H. Zhu, T. H. Choudhury, C. McAleese, X. Wang, B.R. Conran, O. Whear, M.J. Motala, M. Snure, C. Muratore, J.M. Redwing, N.R. Glavin, E.A. Stach, A.R. Davoyan, D. Jariwala. Light-Matter Coupling in Large-Area Van der Waals Superlattices. Nature Nanotechnology (2022) 17, 182-189 Link

  11. S.B. Anantharaman, K. Jo, and D. Jariwala. Exciton–Photonics: From Fundamental Science to Applications. ACS Nano (2021) 15 (8), 12628–12654 Link

  12. S.B. Anantharaman, C.E. Stevens, J. Lynch, B. Song, J. Hou, H. Zhang, K. Jo, P. Kumar, J-C. Blancon, A.D. Mohite, J.R. Hendrickson, D. Jariwala. Self-Hybridized Polaritonic Emission from Layered Perovskites. Nano Letters (2021) 21 (14), 6245–6252 Link

  13. T. Chowdhury, K. Jo, S.B. Anantharaman, T.H. Brintlinger, D. Jariwala, and T.J. Kempa. Anomalous Room-Temperature Photoluminescence from Nanostrained MoSe2 Monolayers. ACS Photonics (2021) 8 (8), 2220-2226  Link

  14. P. Kumar, J. Horwath, S.B. Anantharaman, A. Meng, J.C. Idrobo, E. Stach, D. Jariwala. Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Sub-10 nm 2D MoS2 Crystals. Microscopy and Microanalysis (2021) 27, 1210-1211 Link

  15. K. Jo, P. Kumar, J. Orr, S.B. Anantharaman, J. Miao, M.J. Motala, A. Bandyopadhyay, K. Kisslinger, C. Muratore, V.B. Shenoy, E.A. Stach, N.R. Glavin, and D. Jariwala. Direct Optoelectronic Imaging of 2D Semiconductor–3D Metal Buried Interfaces. ACS Nano (2021),15 (3), 5618–5630 Link

  16. S.B. Anantharaman*, J. Kohlbrecher, G. Rainò, S. Yakunin, T. Stöferle, J. Patel, M. Kovalenko, R.F. Mahrt, F.A. Nüesch, J. Heier*. Enhanced Room‐Temperature Photoluminescence Quantum Yield in Morphology Controlled J‐Aggregates. Advanced Science (2021) 8 (4), 1903080  Link (* - co-corresponding authors)

  17. S.B. Anantharaman, T. Stöferle, F. A. Nüesch, R.F. Mahrt, J. Heier. Exciton Dynamics and Effects of Structural Order in Morphology-Controlled J-Aggregate Assemblies. Advanced Functional Materials (2019) 29 (21), 1806997 Link

  18. S.B. Anantharaman*, K. Strassel, M. Diethelm, A. Gubicza, E. Hack, R. Hany, F. Nüesch*, J. Heier. Exploiting Supramolecular Assemblies for Filterless Ultra-Narrowband Organic Photodetectors with Inkjet Fabrication Capability. Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2019) 7 (46), 14639-14650 Link (* - co-corresponding authors)

  19. S.B. Anantharaman, D. Messmer, A. Sadeghpour, S. Salentinig, F. Nüesch, J. Heier. Excitonic Channels from Bio-Inspired Templated Supramolecular Assembly of J-aggregate Nanowires. Nanoscale (2019) 11 (14), 6929-6938 Link

  20. K. Strassel, A. Kaiser, S. Jenatsch, A. Véron, S.B. Anantharaman, E. Hack, M. Diethelm, F. Nuesch, R. Aderne, C. Legnani, S. Yakunin, M. Cremona, R. Hany. Squaraine Dye for a Visibly Transparent All-Organic Optical Upconversion Device with Sensitivity at 1000 nm. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018) 10 (13), 11063-11069 Link

  21. M. Makha, P. Schwaller, K. Strassel, S.B. Anantharaman, F. Nüesch, R. Hany, J. Heier. Insights into Photovoltaic Properties of Ternary Organic Solar Cells from Phase Diagrams. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, (2018) 19 (1), 669-682 Link

  22. S.B. Anantharaman, S. Yakunin, C. Peng, M. Vismara, C. Graeff, F. Nüesch, S. Jenatsch, R. Hany, M. Kovalenko, J. Heier. Strongly Red-Shifted Photoluminescence Band Induced by Molecular Twisting in Cyanine (Cy3) Dye Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (2017) 121 (17), 9587-9593 Link

  23. S. Jenatsch, L. Wang, N. Leclaire, E. Hack, R. Steim, S.B. Anantharaman, J. Heier, B. Ruhstaller, L. Penninck, F. Nüesch, R. Hany. Visible Light-Emitting Host-guest Electrochemical Cells using Cyanine Dyes. Organic Electronics, (2017) 48, 77-84 Link

  24. M. Makha, P. Testa, S.B. Anantharaman, J. Heier, S. Jenatsch, N. Leclaire, J.-N. Tisserant, A. Véron, L. Wang, F. Nüesch, R. Hany. Ternary Semitransparent Organic Solar cells with a Laminated Top Electrode. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, (2017) 18 (1), 68-75 Link

  25. S.B. Anantharaman, V.B. Rajkumar, S. Raghunandan, K.C. Hari Kumar, R. Suresh Kumar, A.S. Gandhi. Role of Submerged Miscibility Gap in Phase Formation in Sol-Gel Synthesis of Yttrium Silicates. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, (2017) 37 (15), 5001-5007 Link

  26. A.S. Babu, R. Bauri, G. S. Reddy. Processing and Conduction Behavior of Nanocrystalline Gd-Doped and Rare Earth Co-Doped Ceria Electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta, (2016) 209, 541-550 Link

  27. A.S. Babu, R. Bauri. Phase Evolution and Morphology of Nanocrystalline BaCe0.9Er0.1O3 Proton Conducting Oxide Synthesised by a Novel Modified Solution Combustion Route. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, (2015) 87, 80-86 Link

  28. A.S. Babu, R. Bauri. Synthesis, Phase Stability and Conduction Behavior of Rare Earth and Transition Elements doped Barium Cerates. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2014) 39 (26), 14487-14495 Link

  29. A.S. Babu, R. Bauri. Effect of Sintering Atmosphere on Densification, Redox Chemistry and Conduction Behavior of Gd-doped CeO2 Electrolytes. Ceramics International, (2013) 39 (8), 9421-9428 Link

  30. A.S. Babu, R. Bauri. Rare Earth Co-Doped Nanocrystalline Ceria Electrolytes for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFC). ECS Transactions, (2013) 57 (1), 1115 Link


  1. S.B. Anantharaman, W-C. Yang, C-E. Kao, V.Y. Lu, W. Chin, on Ultrahigh Vacuum Apparatus having a Cryopump Nanostructured Material, U.S. Patent (US11111910B2)  - Granted 2021 Link

  2. S.B. Anantharaman, W-C. Yang, C-E. Kao, V.Y. Lu, W. Chin, on Ultrahigh Vacuum Apparatus having a Cryopump Nanostructured Material, China Patent (CN104564597B)  - Granted 2018  Link

Conference Presentations (*-Presenting Author) 

  1. F. Fabrizi*, P. Cegielski, M. Runkel, S. Goudarzi, C. Kreusel, B. Chmielak, S. Suckow, T. Riedl, S.B Anantharaman, M.C. Lemme, Room-Temperature Distributed Feedback CsPbBr 3 Perovskite Lasers Integrated on Silicon Nitride Waveguide Platform, 2023 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 10th-14th April, 2024 - Oral Presentation

  2. S.B. Anantharaman*, C.E. Stevens, J. Lynch, B. Song, J. Hou, H. Zhang, K. Jo, P. Kumar, J-C. Blancon, A.D. Mohite, J.R. Hendrickson, D. Jariwala. Self-Hybridized Polaritonic Emission from Layered Perovskites, 2021 MRS Spring Meeting (online) – Oral Presentation

  3. S.B. Anantharaman*, J. Kohlbrecher, G. Rainò, S. Yakunin, T. Stöferle, J. Patel, M. Kovalenko, R.F. Mahrt, F.A. Nüesch, J. Heier. Enhanced Room‐Temperature Photoluminescence Quantum Yield in Morphology Controlled J‐Aggregates, 2020 MRS Spring & Fall Meeting (online) – Poster Presentation

  4. S.B. Anantharaman*, J. Kohlbrecher, G. Rainò, S. Yakunin, T. Stöferle, J. Patel, M. Kovalenko, R.F. Mahrt, F.A. Nüesch, J. Heier. Enhanced Room‐Temperature Photoluminescence Quantum Yield in Morphology Controlled J‐Aggregates, 2020 Young Professional Meetup: nanoge Conference (online) – Poster Presentation (First Poster Prize)

  5. K. Strassel*, A. Kaiser, S. Jenatsch, A. Véron, S.B. Anantharaman, E. Hack, M. Diethelm, F. Nüesch, R. Aderne, C. Legnani, S. Yakunin, M. Cremona, R. Hany, Squaraine Dye for a Visibly Transparent All-Organic Optical Upconversion Device with Sensitivity at 1000 nm, International Conference on Interfaces in Organic and Hybrid Thin-Film Optoelectronics, Spain, 5th -7th March 2019 – Poster Presentation (First Poster Prize)

  6. S.B. Anantharaman*, V.B. Rajkumar, S. Raghunandan, K.C. Hari Kumar, R. Suresh Kumar, Ashutosh S. Gandhi. Role of Submerged Miscibility Gap in Phase Formation in Sol-gel Synthesis of Yttrium Silicates, 2018 MS&T, Columbus, Ohio 14th – 18th October 2018 – Poster Presentation

  7. S.B. Anantharaman*, T. Stöferle, F. Nüesch, R. F. Mahrt, J. Heier. Enhancing Solid-State Luminescence in Supramolecular Assemblies by Suppressing Non-radiative Decay, EDMX Research Day 2018, EPFL, Switzerland – Oral Presentation 

  8. S.B. Anantharaman*, T. Stöferle, F. A. Nüesch, R.F. Mahrt, J. Heier. Enhancing the Exciton Diffusion in the Supramolecular Assemblies by Suppressing the Non-radiative Decays, 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Arizona, 2nd – 5th April 2018 – Oral Presentation

  9. S.B. Anantharaman*, K. Strassel, M. Diethelm, A. Gubicza, E. Hack, R. Hany, F. Nüesch, J. Heier. Exploiting Supramolecular Assemblies for Filterless Ultra-narrowband Organic Photodetectors with Inkjet Fabrication Capability, 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Arizona, 2nd – 5th April 2018 – Poster Presentation

  10. S. B. Anantharaman*, T. Stöferle, F. A. Nüesch, R.F. Mahrt, J. Heier. Enhancing the Exciton Diffusion in the Supramolecular Assemblies by Suppressing the Non-radiative Decays, EMPA PhD Symposium 2017, Dubendorf, Switzerland,13th November 2017 – Oral Presentation

  11. S.B. Anantharaman*, S. Yakunin, C. Peng, M. Vismara, C. Graeff, F. Nüesch, S. Jenatsch, R. Hany, M. Kovalenko, J. Heier. Strongly Red-Shifted Photoluminescence Band Induced by Molecular Twisting in Cyanine (Cy3) Dye Films, 4th International Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 18th – 19th September, 2017, Ireland, Dublin. (Invited Oral)

  12. S.B. Anantharaman*, T. Stöferle, F. A. Nüesch, R.F. Mahrt, J. Heier. Unraveling the Growth Mechanism of 2D J-aggregate Monolayers and Nanocrystals on Modified Surfaces, SAOG 2017, Switzerland – Poster Presentation

  13. S.B. Anantharaman*, F. Nüesch and J. Heier. Unraveling the Growth Mechanism of 2D J-aggregate Monolayers and Nanocrystals on Modified Surfaces,  Swiss Chemical Society, 15th September 2016, University of Zurich, Switzerland – Poster Presentation

  14. S.B. Anantharaman*, F. Nüesch, J. Heier. Growth and Morphology of J-aggregates on Solid Substrates, Junior Euromat, 10th -14th July, 2016, EPFL – Poster Presentation

  15. S.B. Anantharaman*, F. Nüesch, J. Heier. Growth and Morphology of J-aggregates on Solid Substrates, ICSM 2016, 26th June – 1st July, 2016, China – Poster Presentation

  16. S.B. Anantharaman*, F. Nüesch, J. Heier. Growth and Morphology of J-aggregates on Solid Substrates, ICMST 2016, 5th- 8th June 2016, Kerala, India – Oral Presentation

  17. A.S. Babu* and R. Bauri. Synthesis, Phase Stability and Conduction Behavior of Co-doped and Doped Barium Cerates, Fifth World Hydrogen Energy Technology Conference (WHTC2013), Shanghai, China, 25th - 28th September 2013 – Poster Presentation

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